Hopefully you’ve taken the time to read the preview of our upcoming book, Weaponizing the Mega Team™: Rise of the COO. It explains the purpose of the Mega Teams Diagnostic and how the information you gain can help your business join the industry’s elite teams.

Instructions for the diagnostic

There are seven categories included in the Diagnostic:

  1. Purposeful
  2. Relational
  3. Marketing
  4. Structural
  5. Wealth Management
  6. Client Service
  7. Client Acquisition

Each consists of 12-16 statements that you will rate as being:

  • Accurate
  • Mostly accurate
  • Mostly inaccurate
  • Inaccurate

Once you and your team members have rated all the statements in each area, your results will be calculated automatically. We’ll contact you with the results.

Note: For your team to receive accurate results, the “TEAM NAME” must be entered exactly the same by all participants. All team members must complete the diagnostic within 72 hours to be included in the final team results.

Team performance diagnostic

Step 1 of 8

(Email where you would like the results sent)
(In order for your team to receive accurate results, the team name must be consistent across participants. Please tell your team members that they need to send their results in under the same team name and within 72 hours.)
(this helps us calculate the score of the team once all your team members fill out the diagnostic)
Are You a Wirehouse advisor or an Independent?(Required)